
Friday, 18 November 2011

Some daily routines for a Spiritual person

Tasmayi Shri Guruvae Namah

For Healthy Living should get up before sunrise. After getting up they should pray to the Lord, and then gaze at their palms chanting the following:

कराग्रे वसते लक्ष्मीः करमध्यै सरस्वती। करमूले तु गोविन्दः प्रभाते करदर्शनम्।।
ब्रह्मार्पणं ब्रह्म हविब्रह्माग्नौ ब्रह्मणा हुतम्। ब्रह्मैव तेन गन्तव्यं ब्रह्मकर्मसमाधिना।।

Karagre vasate laksmih karamadhye sarasvati l
Karamule tu govindah prabhate karadarsanam ll

Meaning: ‘Ma Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth and prosperity, lives at the tip of my palms, the middle part of my palm is home to Ma Sarasvati, the Goddess of learning, and at the bottom thereof dwells Lord Krishna. Therefore one should always look at their palms in the morning.’

Early Morning Water Therapy

Get up before sunrise every day, rinse your mouth, and before cleaning your teeth, drink 1 ¼ litres (about four large glasses) of water kept overnight. (children may to do by consuming just one-two glasses of water as per their capacity). Do not eat or drink anything for around 45 minutes afterwards. You can wash your face and clean your teeth after drinking the water. Drink water only after a gap of two hours after any meal or breakfast while undergoing this therapy.

Early morning water-therapy helps remove diseases of the hearts, liver, stomach, intestine, and several other ailments like head-ache, stones, obesity, diseases due to disorders of Vata, pitta and kapha. It makes the mind efficient and sharpens the intellect. It improves and luster and agility of the body.

Ways to Boost Your Memory

There are several ways through which children can improve their memory. Some of the best methods are as follow;

(1) Bharamari Pranayama :

Method: Bring both hands toward the sides of the head keeping the fingers near the ears. Take a deep breath and close both the ears with the index fingers so that no should can be heard from outside. Then close the lips and make a humming sound through the nose like that of the bee. Remove the fingers after exhaling completely.

Benefits: Scientist have discovered that making such a humming sound while doing Bhramari Pranayama causes vibrations in a section of the brain. These vibrations activate the brain transmitters to help form beneficial intra-body chemicals-Acetylcholine (excitatory) and Dopamine (inhibitory), which boost the flow of the intra-cerebral electric current developing the memory power. This pranayama eradicates diseases of the brain. As such one should perform 8-10 such Pranayamas everyday in the morning.

(2) Saraswatya Mantra Diksha: Initiation into Saraswatya Mantra by a competent Satguru, regular japa and performing an anushthana of this mantra boosts children’s memory in a miraculous way.

(3) Libation to the Sun: Take some water in a copper vessel and stand at a clean place facing the Sun a little after sunrise. But never & Don't look on to sun directly Pour the water slowly in a continuous stream by holding by vessel high above the head with both hands. If you look at the edge of the vessel from where the water is flowing, you will see the reflection of the Sun as a small dot. By concentrating on that dot you can see a ring of seven colours surrounding it. Sun is the lord of intellectual prowess. Therefore, offering libation to Sun at sunrise sharpens the intellect.

(4) The practice of chewing five-seven tulsi leaves ( Holy Basil) after sunrise with a glass of water also helps boost children’s memory. Milk should not be taken immediately but at least one hour after eating tulsi leaves.

(5) Instead of studying till late at night, one should get up early in the morning and read after meditating for five minutes. This helps in memorizing whatever one reads.


The meaning of pranayama is prana+ayama. Prana means the life force and ayama is its control. So Pranayama means controlling the breathing process (the life force).

In allopathy, ‘virus’ is considered to be the main cause of illness, in naturopathy, it is ‘antigens’ and in Ayurveda it is ‘ama rasa’ (the undigested chyle that remains in the body when the food is not properly digested). Similarly, in ‘Prana Therapy’, the chief cause of disease is considered to be a weak prana. A weak prana weakens the organs of the body and they fail to function properly. Blood circulation in the body depends on this prana; therefore, its weakening in turn slows down the process of blood circulation. With the blood supply becoming low, the body cells gradually become weak and die; and when the heart doesn’t get enough blood supply, toxic elements build up inside the body producing different diseases.

Even in practical life one can see that a person with a strong life force is less prone to diseases as compared to one with a weak life force. By practicing pranayama, the yogis of India used to live healthy life over thousands of years, a fact mentioned in several scriptures of Sanatana Dharma. In yoga therapy, medicines are thought to be an external treatment, whereas pranayama is considered an internal treatment, and so is termed as the basic medicine.

The Jabalyopanishad says that pranayama is the destroyer of all afflictions.

The life force is present in different amounts in different parts of the body. A disease is cured by moving the life force from where it is high in the body to where it is low. Pranayama has a very important role in awakening the dormant powers in the body and in developing the life force.

v Benefits of Pranayama:
(1) Deep inhalation during pranayama opens the closed pores of the lungs and increases resistance to diseases. It also helps purify the blood, the veins and the mind.
(2) A regular practice of 10 pranayama during each of the three sandhyas for forty days increases cheerfulness, improves the health and also sharpens the memory.
(3) The practice of pranayama destroys sins. As hard work destroys poverty, so also pranayama destroys sins

(1) Rechaka : Exhalation
(2) Puraka : Inhalation
(3) Kumbhaka : Holding the breath. To hold the breath inside is called antarakumbhaka and to hold it outside is called bahirkumbhaka.

Some useful pranayamas

(1) Anuloma Viloma Pranayama: Sit in Padmasana, Siddhasana or Sukhasana. First of all, exhale completely through both the nostrils. Then close the right nostril with the right thumb, and with ease, take a deep breath through the left nostril. Hold the breath inside for as long as you can. Close the left nostril with the middle finger and slowly exhale through the right nostril. Exhale completely, and then hold the breath outside for as long as you can comfortably do so by closing both the nostrils. Then inhale through the right nostril and after holding it in for some time exhale slowly through the left. Hold the breath outside for some time after exhaling completely. That completes one Pranayama.

§ In Pranayama, the time proportion for inhalation, retention, exhalation and staying without breath should be in the ratio of 1:4:2:2, i.e. if you take 5 seconds to inhale, then hold it in for 20 seconds, exhale over a period of 10 seconds, and stay with your lungs empty for 10 seconds. This is the ideal ration, which can gradually be attained through regular practice.

Swastya Mantra (Health Protection Mantra)

ॐ हंसं हंसः

Om hansam hansaha

A very divine Mantra for gaining good health,chant every morning 1 mala means 108 times with sincere devotion faithfully

MANTRA before meals

Brahmarpanam brahma havibrahmagnau brahmana hutam l
Brahmaiva tena gantavyam brahmakarmasamadhina ll

‘The act of offering oblations is Brahman, the oblation is Brahman, it is offered by Brahman in the fire that is Brahman; thus he whose mind is fixed on acts dedicated to Brahman must verily attain to Brahman.’ (The Gita 4.24)

Means food we eat should be had with a cheerful mind by Satvic & Pure Vegetarian food, Green vegetables should form a part of one’s regular diet.

from ashram ebooks Baal Sanskaar