
The 12 holy names of Garuda

The holy twelve names of Garuda

Sri Garuda dwadash nama

 Suparnam vainetayam cha naagarim naagbhishanam jitantakam vishaarim cha ajitham vishwaroopinam garutmantham khagashreshtham taaksheyam kashyapanandanam dwadeshahatani namaani eti garudasya mahathmana yaha pathet prathaa uthaya snaaane cha shayano api va visham naakramate tassya na hinsati hinsika sangrame vyavahare vijayatasya jayate ,
 bandhanaan mukti maapnoti yaatrayam siddhi revacha


1. SUPARNA ( with best wings )
2.   VAINETEY  (son of Maa Vinta ..... Chapter X of GITAJI has 45 verses   )
3. NAGARI    ( enemies of  snakes  )
4. NAGBHISHAN   ( terrible for  snakes  )
5. JITANTAK  ( can  defeat even Kaal or Death )
6. VISHARI  ( anti-poisonous )
7. AJIT  ( Invincible )
8. VISHWAROOPI  ( like Lord Vishnuji Himself ! )
9. GARUTMAAN ( most  powerful )
10. KHAGSHRESHTHA  ( best amongst birds :--  Chapter X of GITAJI has 45 verses  says  ( verse  30 )  :--   Prahlaadashchaasmi daityaanaam kaalah kalayataamaham;  Mrigaanaam cha mrigendro'ham vainateyashcha pakshinaam. i.e.   I am Prahlad among the demons; among the reckoners I am time; among beasts I am their king, the lion; and Garuda among birds)
11. TARKSHAY  ( one name of Garudji )
12.  KASHYAPNANDAN ( son of  sage kashyap like Vaman Bhagwan  )  

VRIHADTANTRASAAR  says :- whosoever chants  these 12 divine names of Bhagwan Garuda  ( vehicle of lord Vishnuji  ) either in morning  while taking bath or while sleeping shall   --not be affected by any poison   -- no animal can kill him   --- he gets victorious in war and behaviour   -- gets salvation   --and his yatra or journey gets successful